Number | Divisibility Rule |
Two (2) | A number is divisible by two if it is even. Another way to say a word is even is to say it ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. Example: 642 is divisible by two because it ends in a two, which makes it an even number. |
Three (3) | A number is divisible by three if the sum of the digits adds up to a multiple of three. Example: 423 is divisible by three because 4 + 2 + 3 = 9. Since nine is a multiple of three or is divisible by three, then 423 is divisible by three. |
Four (4) | A number is divisible by four if it is even and can be divided by two twice. Example: 128 is divisible by four because half of it is 64 and 64 is still divisible by two. |
Five (5) | A number is divisible by five if it ends in a five or a zero. Example: 435 is divisible by five because it ends in a five. |
Six (6) | A number is divisible by six if it is divisible by both two and three. Example: 222 is divisible by six because it is even, so it is divisible by two and its digits add up to six which is a multiple of three. |
Nine (9) | A number is divisible by nine if the sum of the digits adds up to a multiple of nine. This rule is similar to the divisibility rule for three. Example: 9243 is divisible by nine because the sum of the digits adds up to eighteen, which is a multiple of nine. |
Ten (10) | A number is divisible by ten if it ends in a zero. This rule is similar to the divisibility rule for five. Example: 730 is divisible by ten because it ends in zero. |
One Hundred (100) | A number is divisible by one hundred if it ends in two zeros. This rule is similar to the divisibility rule for ten. Example: 4700 is divisible by one hundred because it ends in two zeros. |
Friday, October 10, 2014
Divisibility Rules
The following is a list of Divisibility Rules which are ways to decide if numbers are divisible by specific numbers.